Now a days with constant ready to #eat items, people are #losing #taste and same goes with #children. Today we hardly see children eating #food rather making #excuses but this was not a scenario with our #grandparents and even our #parents #childhood times. They use to eat everything and anything and it use to taste so #good that they use to #finish their #meals and ask for #more.
Just ask this from you – Are we giving our children the #right taste or are we lost in just making #money in this #hectic #lifestyle and #enjoying #ready to #eat #meals?
Preparation time 10 mins
Cooking time 30 mins
Servings 6
500 gms : Chaemi / Pahadhi Beans
4 Table spoon : Mustard oil
1 Tea spoon : Jeera / cumin seeds
½ Tea spoon : Heeng / asafetida
1 Tea spoon : Turmeric powder
1 Tea spoon : Coriander powder
1 Tea spoon : Garam masala
½ Tea spoon : Chat masala
100 gms : Tomatoes
200 gms : Potatoes
½ Cup : Water
Table salt to taste
Take pressure cooker on medium flame, add mustard oil
Add jeera / cumin seeds, heeng / asafetida and let them crackle
Add tomatoes, turmeric powder, coriander powder, garam masala
Add table salt and sauté till oil separates
Add potatoes and sauté for 10 minutes
Add chaemi / pahadhi beans and close the lid of the pressure cooker
After 20 minutes open lid and add chat masala and mix well
Ready to serve
*Tip :
Though mustard oil is one of the best oil for cooking pahadhi dishes and of course healthy and tasty but you may use other oil of choice
Chilly powder or chilly flakes are optional
**Serve with chapatti, roti, fried rice
Highly Recommended, give it a try!
Do let us know how it turned out in the comment section below. And please share with your friends and family. Enjoy!