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Youtube Comments are Disabled | Comments not Showing | "made for kids" | COPPA - FIXED

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

Hello guys and welcome to Traffic Kreation! If you are here then certainly you are facing an issue with your comments being disabled or not showing!

Recently there was a Update News from Youtube about “ Determining if your content is “made for kids””! This step was taken in accordance to an agreement of Youtube with the the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which will comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). For more detail on this information you can check the link given in the description below. 

When Youtube introduced “made for kids”, it directly affected all the Youtube Videos that were in public mode! Videos marked as “ made for kids” will have some features disabled like comments, notification and certain others. Youtube constantly gave a reminder again and again to all Youtube Creators to make their Videos meet the standard required by Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. So, now some You-tubers are facing issues with comments being disabled or not showing on their videos!

So, here is a quick Fix for this!

You are required to change your default setting of your channel which might be On for “made for kids” and even change the settings of recently uploaded or previously uploaded videos which might be automatically following your default settings!

You can need to go in your settings —> Channel —> Advance Setting. Check here for your default settings and change accordingly to your Channel Content—> Click SAVE.

Next, you can also change the setting for individual or a group of videos. Go on your dashboard and click Videos. Click on the box made beside Videos, then you can take a particular video or group of videos —> Click Edit —> Audience —> Change here accordingly to your Channel Content —> click Update!

If you have followed these steps and still facing an issue with your comments being disabled or not showing because you still need to follow one most important step.

You need to go to your UPLOAD DEFAULT settings —> Click Advance Settings —>  you can see Comment Section —> there are options. Traffic Kreation would personally advice you to go for "Hold potential inappropriate comments for review”. Since this act as a filter on its own and any comments that youtube algorithm does not allow or disapprove of will automatically get in your spam or held for review section of comments!

Same thing you need to do for all the videos that you had published previously by going to your dashboard —> clicking on videos —> Click on the box made beside Videos, then tick all the videos previously uploaded and made public —> Click Edit —> Comments —> Same option will be shown as were in the Upload Default settings —> choose your preference —> Click Update.

So, now all things are done you will surely see your comment section showing on your videos and your viewers can comment on them!

Hope this videos has helped you out in getting connected and grow your channel once again with your subscribers and viewers.

Thank you so much for watching and Please don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel here!

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