#LOVE can make you feel #hurt, #sad, #cry but it can even make you #good, #happy and #smile. Seriously, we can see the #positive side or linger to the #negative. Its not that hard to #judge this #feeling but it need a little #courage to accept the #truth.
One of our #client want to give a #message to all the #lovers that they are not alone but they just need a little step to defeat that #dark side which makes us believe that we can never achieve our #LOVE, making us forever #loose our #RAYofHOPE!

As the dark night starts to grow, The thieves of life start to show.
The giggling had started to play, Finally the witches were on their way.
The fear in my heart bulges the ray, To which I turned to find a way.
But the dark night took my breath, And the shadows moved with enchantments of fear.
The sudden wind took the speed, To take away the courage, I had increased.
The sound of water dripping into the stream, Which had the blood dark as it always has been.
The dark lord is haunting me again, To make me scream for the drain
Just hold me tight and make me safe, To the place where no one can take,
Making the dark lord feel the shame, And let me sleep in the world’s best place.

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